CN Blue’s Lee JongHyun Updates Blog

I’m JH

I’m Jonghyun!

Long time no see everyone!
We’ve been having our tour
We are already in the mid of the tour, right.
Till the end
Let’s make a good Live!!!
この写真は大阪ふつかめのしゃしんです! みなさんが見たいとおもってUPしました
This photo was taken during the 2nd day in Osaka! I think everyone would like to see it so I uploaded.
This has been Jonghyun!
Source: CNBLUE’s Oricon Blog
Translated by BOICE cnbluefanfun

Seohyun caught holding hands with Yunho and Changmin

GG’s Seohyun Gets Between The DBSK Boys In Ceci

Yunho and Changmin from DBSK and Seohyun from Girls’ Generation are posing for the Ceci magazine for November’s edition.

The concept of is “Timeless Eternity” which is based on the movie “Interview with the Vampire”

While Yunho and Changmin pose as a Vampire with cold and serious looks, Seohyun takes the role of Claudia, a pure, innocent girl in the film.

The magazine with hit the stores on November 15 in Korea and China, which will have 26 pages filled with Yunho, Changmin and Seohhyun.