Jeong Tae-won “Cha Seung-won became picky”

Jeong Tae-won said Cha Seung-won has changed after the drama “The Greatest Love”.

On the Channel A talk show “Show King” MC Shin Hyeon-joon said, “All actors have their own images, but who is the most different from the image he portrays?”

Jeong Tae-won is a movie and TV drama producer as well as the chairman of a management company that imported more than 700 movies to Korea and produced 300 movies of its own. He has done the KBS 2 TV drama “IRIS”, movies like the “Marrying the Mafia” series, “Barefoot Ki-bong” and “Into the Storm“.

When MC Kim Soo-mi asked, “Who is the pickiest?” he answered, “Cha Seung-won has become like that after “The Greatest Love”“.

Kim Soo-mi said, “He has the right to be picky. He’s also done lots of commercials”.

The guests for “Show King” included Jeong Tae-won and Im Hyeong-joon.

Source :… ( Korean )

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Kim Hyun Joong : “There is nothing makes me Lucky, I’m lucky Myself”

Interview by: EUNICE LUCERO at SPARKLING MAGAZINE (Winter 2012)

Photo by: GRACIE PARKJUNGKIM on Facebook

Typed by: Kathy @

Re-posted from

all aces

Manga, musicals,make-up,-superstar(and formerSparkling cover guy) Kim Hyun Joong gives us quick chat and lets us in on whats on this lucky guy’s radar at the moment. 

SPARKLING MAGAZINE: Nice to see you again! Please tell us about your second mini-album LUCKY.

Kim Hyun Joong: Hello! Unlike my last album, which is more the heavier type, the LUckY album is lighter and can be enjoyed with a lot of fans at the same time. It’s easygoing.

SM: So how do you feel about your mini-album making it to the TOP 5 of the BILLBOARD WORLD ALBUM CHARTS? And what was the first thing you said when you found out?

KHJ: The first thing I said was “Unbelievable.” I didn’t expect anything much, but I put as much effort as I could into this album and I’m planning to have better ones.

SM: Why did you pick OCEAN’s ELEVEN as the inspiration for the MV of “LUCKY GUY?” Who thought of the concept?

KHJ: I did. The reason I chose this was that I wanted to act as a brat! HAHA!

SM: Great strategy! Also, your current album has more rock n’ roll influences than the last one. WOuld you consider playing the guitar or bass guitar live at one of your future stage performances?

KHJ: Im planning to have those instruments played during my stages,but my concept cue sheets aren’t really ready yet,so nothing is really concrete. But I would definitely like to play those instruments.

SM: Your dance steps feel like they could be part of a musical. Would you consider starring in a musical in the future as well?

KHJ: There are no plans in joining musicals yet; being an actor and a singer at the same time, I’m really busy. And I’m not really confident in that field!

SM: You’ve said in past interviews that you want to play a bad guy for your next role. Who are your favorite bad guy characters?

KHJ: Because there are so many characters out there, it’s really hard to set the standard of “bad guys.” I will try to set standard of being my own “bad guy.”

SM: As an actor and singer, you often have to wear make-up while filming and promoting. Have you ever tried applying make up on your own.

KHJ: Never.

SM: What product from the Face Shop would you recommend as a good gift for friends?

KHJ: Because most of my friends are guys, the E’thym products because they’re really simple, yet maintain moisturizing effects.

SM: We heard you like soju a lot too. Do you also like sake? Do you use the Face shop’s Sake Nourishing Lotion?

KHJ: I haven’t used the Sake Nourishing Lotion because there are so many products from The Face Shop! But I definitely take sake…occasionally. Haha.

SM: So how was your skincare routine changed, now that the weather is much colder?

KHJ: Now that the weather’s colder my skin and lips are getting cracked. I apply a lot of moisturizing creams and lip balms.

SM: Do you enjoy winter sports,like snowbarding and skiing?

KHJ: I dont really like winter sports, so I stay at home most times during winter.

SM: The weaters is warm in the Philippines. What The Face Shop product would you recommend to your Filipino fans?

KHJ: Because its really hot in the Philippines and a lot of people are exposed to the sun, I recommend sun protection and sun block, and the BB creams that contain it.

SM: What products from The Face Shop do you always keep in your bag?

KHJ; BB Cream and sun cream.

SM: You like reading manga a lot. What manga title are you reading now? Are there plans to come up with a U:Zoosin manga?

KHJ: Currently on the website of my management team, there are the cartoons available using the character U: zoosin. The fans can read this, although its in Korean.

SM: Do you have any lucky charms? What’s your lucky number?

KHJ: I dont have any lucky charms and there isnt exactly any lucky number.


SM: What makes Kim Hyun Joong a lucky guy? 

KHJ: There’s nothing that makes me lucky; Im lucky myself.

Via : 더블에스오공일 (Double S 501) @facebook

For young Peruvians, K-pop links to economic growth

CUSCO, Peru (Yonhap) – On a cold, rainy morning in Ccorao, Peru, Jessica Quijhua braved the elements and set out from her house with a cane. In the rural village lying at an altitude of 3,800 meters in southern Peru, farmers stay home and even the most energetic tourists duck into their vans in such inclement weather.

For Quijhua, 22, the journey to a nearby ceramics school required her to stop and rest every few minutes because of her leg disability. Her worn hat and fuzzy sweater were wet from the rain. With her big dreams, however, Quijhua wishes she could make the trip every day, not just on Mondays and Thursdays.

“I want to open my own shop some day,” said Quijhua on her way to the School of Ceramics on a Thursday morning. “Two days per week is not enough. I want to take the class from Monday through Friday. That will help me learn much faster.”

Quijhua is one of about 15 young Peruvians learning the art of Korean ceramics at the School of Ceramics, which opened in 2005 in Ccorao, about an hour bus ride from Peru’s ancient capital of Cusco, with the support of South Korea’s government-run Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). In a country where Korean soap operas are frequently on television and K-pop music is now all the rage, some young Peruvians are channeling the influx of Korean culture and technology into their professional career and other local interests.

Orlando Choque, 26, was one of the first students at the ceramics school and now makes a living teaching there and selling his wares in the tourist streets of Cusco. Ceramic art is not typically a high income generating profession in Peru, but Choque is confident he will make a comfortable living with the combination of the refined processing technology he learned at school and his inspirations from the Inca empire legacies prevalent in the region.

“Yes, that’s my dream,” Choque said, adding that his vases and cups are modeled after the Inca ruins in the Cusco region, the empire’s capital, marked by Peru’s most popular tourist destination, Machu Picchu.

Although ceramic art prospered in ancient Peru, many ceramic workers now jump into the profession without established modern techniques and equipment, he said.

“There is a difference,” he noted. “Most ceramic workers here do only basic things because they received no formal training, but learned from their fathers at home. Ceramics we make are more hygienic and more accomplished with sophisticated designs and techniques.”

Some young Peruvians turn their penchant for Korean entertainment into social good. On a recent Saturday afternoon, a throng of K-pop fans packed a building’s hall on a main Cusco avenue to see music videos of Korean, and some Japanese, boy bands and hold dance battles. The Christmas event was mainly to satiate the ever-deepening K-pop thirst in Peru, where tours of Korean stars come rarely, but organizers this time spiced it up with a humanitarian interest. All donations would go into supporting about 800 children in a nearby impoverished rural community in the form of rice, milk and toys among other necessities.

“They are extremely poor, so we want to support them,” Ruth Zapata, 28, representative of the Cusco fan club of the Korean boy band, SS501, and main organizer of the event said, as about 80 K-pop fans screamed and waved florescent sticks and colorful balloons with Big Bang on the screens. “Every one of the fan clubs is taking part by coming here and donating little by little.”

South Korea’s cultural and industrial presence in South America has long been dwarfed by those of other Asian giants, China and Japan, but the trend seems now to be turning, at least among young Peruvians. The popularity of Korean dramas and pop music has prompted exports of Korean consumer goods to Peru to increase 97.7 percent to $340 million in 2010, according to the Korea Customs Service, a government arm that facilitates international trade.

“Coupled with the economic boom of the trade partner and the competitiveness of product qualities, the ‘Korean Wave’ has been an important factor in the general elevation of consumers’ preferences over Korean consumer goods,” the Customs report published in June said.

Mobile phones, cars, household electronic gadgets and clothes were the main export items. In the Central and South American region in the period between 2005 and 2010, the increased rate of South Korean consumer goods exports was highest in Peru with 320 percent, followed by Brazil with 124 percent, Venezuela with 84 percent and Mexico with 61 percent, the report said.

The one-sided commercial spurt could be fleeting, however, and now is the time to promote mutual interests, said Ghil Dong-soo, a former KOICA member who initiated the ceramics school project. Ghil, a painter and ceramic artist, now runs a Korean restaurant in central Cusco and recently opened a Korean language school, the first such private venture in Peru, believing it could better his customers’ job prospects.

“We have young people coming here to try samgyeopsal and soju, saying they saw them on dramas,” said Ghil, 49, who settled in Cusco after marrying a KOICA co-volunteer. Samgyeopsal is a popular Korean dish of fatty pork belly meat served on a grill, which goes well with soju, a distilled alcohol beverage made from rice.

Some of his Peruvian customers asked him to teach them Korean. After about two months of informal lessons at his restaurant, Ghil opened the language institute in September. Now with only about 25 students, his new business has deficits, but Ghil believes it will eventually swing into the black and help the students begin a career.

Nashiro Cruz, 20, a tourism student at a Cusco university, now takes the Korean class every night, aspiring to find employment with the increasing inflow of Korean tourists in Peru. Her first contact with Korea was through popular dramas broadcast in the country, “Star in My Heart” and “My Lovely Sam Soon,” in which the reserved manner of Korean lovers drew her attention.

“Peruvian dramas usually have too many obscene scenes and little plot. Korean dramas have a story,” said Cruz, also a fan club member of Korean boy bands CN Blue and FT Island. “But then, Koreans are never straight with love. Junpyo likes Jandi but is always grumpy to her. When they are in love, Peruvians say so,” she said, referring to another popular drama currently being broadcast in Peru, “Boys Over Flowers.”

“My father likes Chinese movies and Japanese martial arts and don’t understand me. But I want to work with Koreans, maybe as a tour guide.”


Credit: The Korea Times

The Boss’ First Regular Album gets 7th place on weekly Oricon Chart

Idol group The Boss got the 7th place on Japan’s Oricon Chart.

Their regular album, Love Letters, which was released on 18th January got 7th place at
the Weekly Oricon Chart, proving their popularity in Japan. On the day of its release, they even grabbed
the 5th place.

The Boss is getting a lot of popularity in Japan because of their great music and fluent Japanese. The Boss’ member Karam was even chosen as the main character of movie “Ai Ore’ by Director Fukuyama Sakurako.

Starting from 18th of January, The Boss organised an event in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and other places to celebrate their release of their regular album.
The event was a success. About ten thousand Japanese fans gathered to see The Boss.

The Boss’ first regular album is the completion of the ‘Love Series’ and it contains 12 songs, including all the songs from the ‘Love Series’.

Source: TV Daily
Translated by: Hee
Edited by:

Kim Hyun Joong perfroms at Asahi Broadcasting (Music Station)

January 27 Asahi Broadcasting [Music Station] will have performances by Ayaka, SKE48, KIM HYUN JOONG, JUJU and Tokio.

Ayaka who is releasing album [The Beginning] on 1 February, will be performing the song “Hello” which is recorded in the album for the first time on TV station. Ayaka had performed on [Music Station Super Live 2011] and [62th NHK Red-White Song Battle] last year and this is her official TV appearance since then.

Also, there’s SKE48 who is releasing their 8th single “片想いFinally”, and alsoKim Hyun Joong who officially debut solo in Japan with single [KISS KISS/Lucky Guy] released on 25 January, it’s the first appearance on [Music Station] for both artist.

Music Station

TV Asahi 2011 January 27 20:00~ 20:54

[Performing Songs]

・Kim Hyun Joong「KISS KISS」

News Courtesy Yahoo Japan + (chi trans) 雪舞天涯@百度金贤重吧 ( + (eng trans) m

Via : hyunniespexers + Henecia Indonesia Loves Kim Hyun Joong

[interview] naver’s january music special: ‘february 2012, their second invasion starts!’

Naver’s January Music Special

February 2012, their second invasion starts! Infinite’s concert ‘SECOND INVASION’

Special | 2012 Infinite’s Concert, [SECOND INVASION]

Infinite’s own stage with infinite amounts of energy and fierce music! Infinite, who has spent the best year in 2011, is finally preparing for their first solo concert in Korea. The title for the long-awaited concert is ‘Second Invasion’. The name holds their hopes to invade the music industry a second time after their debut album, ‘First Invasion’.

Infinite, who’s called ‘group dance-dols’ for their perfectly angled group choreography, ‘trend-dols’ for getting 1st place all-kill on charts after 1 year of debuting, and after their first solo concert sold out in 10 mins, they’re about to receive the nickname of ‘sold out-dols’. We will be revealing in detail to everyone using Naver Music about their main poster filming site that took place before real preparations for the concert. There’s also a surprise mini interview with the members so don’t miss it!


Beyond | Infinite’s Poster Filming Site

Early in the morning, a group of boys walk into a poster filming site with a white background and quietly playing music. They smile and energetically yell out, “Hello.”, “Please take care of us well”. They, who upgraded the filming site’s mood a level up, don’t show the fierce charismatic side from the stage when they say “Be mine”, but show a friendly and playful group of boys.

If you’re an idol who tasted popularity at a young age, it’s possible for you to become stiff-necked, but they all showed positive sides and politely asked in detail about the concept throughout the entire filming. Just like their team name of Infinite, they held infinite amounts of charms. If you think of them, the first side of them that would come to mind would be the masculine and chic charisma concept of ‘BTD’ and ‘Be Mine’ along with the warm and cute boyish side that was the concept for ‘She’s Back’, ‘Nothing’s Over’, and the recent ‘White Confession (Lately)’. The infinite charms of Infinite, who has both of these opposite two images, were placed into the camera.

(Sunggyu’s message: Thank you – Gyu. Second Invasion!! 2012.2.11~12)

Infinite, who thinks and thinks about it when we tell them to write down a message that they want to send to their fans. When they said their ‘fans’ were ‘girlfriends’, they weren’t lying. “Give me one more piece, please~” After writing a word with great thought as if they were writing a love letter, they shyly laugh and say they’ll write it over again. You could feel the love they have for fans as the members checked each other’s messages and went deep into thought as they repeatedly rewrote everything while biting on the pen cap.


Interview | Infinite’s Mini Interview About the Concert!

Q: It seems like you guys spent the best year in 2011. Is there a moment that you remember the most?


Sunggyu: Each and every moment is important.

Dongwoo: Although each and every moment was the best moment, I think the moment when we received 1st place is the most memorable!!

Woohyun: When I went to the hospital because my knee hurt during the times we practiced the scorpion dance. But I was still proud of the scorpion dance.. ^^

Hoya: The moment I remember the most is when we had our inauguration ceremony for the 1st group of our fanclub and met Inspirits for the first time.

Sungyeol: The moment when we received our first 1st place is most memoralbe.

L: Our 1 year anniversary radio event that we prepared for Inspirits! It was fun and really real ㅋ

Sungjong: I remember the end-of-the-year performances from December the most. Performances that we participated in for the first time.

Q: It’s finally the first solo concert in Korea. What are Infinite’s thoughts on having your first solo concert?


Sunggyu: I’m happy. This is amazing. I will look forward to it a lot.

Dongwoo: It’s a concert that we dreamed of while watching videos before we debuted~! Although we’ve done many album promotions up till now, I want to show a different performance for the same song!

Woohyun: This is now the start, look forward to it!! Starting now is the real Infinite!

Hoya: Because it’s one of the dreams that I wanted the most as a singer, my heart is overflowing.

Sungyeol: Just as much as it is our first concert, we worked hard to prepare for this. Although I’m very nervous, I’ll do my best.

L: It will be a surprise.

Sungjong: We’ll show you another charm to Infinite. Look forward to it!

Q: It’s your first concert but the title is ‘Second Invasion’. What’s the meaning behind it?


Sunggyu: This is Infinite’s second invasion. (The first was our debut album.)

Dongwoo: If we approached people and shared tears and laughter through debuting for our first invasion, we’ll approach everyone face to face with our second invasion!!

Woohyun: The meaning that the others said.

Hoya: Our first album was the first invasion. It has the meaning that we plan to give a newer shock and touching feeling to everyone, more than before.

Sungyeol: A meaning that we’ll show a more improved side!

L: It means that we’ve been given a chance to inform about Infinite’s new start.

Sungjong: You’ll be able to see another infinite charm of Infinite.

Q: I heard that you sold out the moment concert ticketing opened. Did you think it would sell out immediately? A word for your fans who had an intense battle to reserve tickets~


Sunggyu: Thank you so much. You guys are lucky people. Because you were able to know us! ㅋㅋ

Dongwoo: I didn’t think we would sell out, but I hoped that many people would see a concert with only our songs. But to think that it was that intense… We will make it the best day!

Woohyun: You guys are winners!!

Hoya: I really didn’t even think that it would sell out immediately. Just as much as you worked hard to get that ticket, we’ll show an amazing stage so that you can be touched.

Sungyeol: I worried whether or not many people would come, so thank you. We’ll make sure you don’t regret it.

L: Everyone, I really like you!! Thank you.

Sungjong: I’ll work my hardest. I love you.

Q: What are you preparing for the concert? Are there things that you’re specially practicing or brushing up on for solo stages?


Sunggyu: Being engrossed in singing!

Dongwoo: Stages that you can happily enjoy watching have been prepared!

Woohyun: In the middle of being engrossed in dance practice.

Hoya: We’re directing a stage that we haven’t shown yet. Don’t be surprised!

Sungyeol: I’m preparing something in secret so that no one knows about it. You’ll really be surprised.

L: Hahahaha…!!

Sungjong: Anticipate it a lot.

Q: Since before debuting, was there something you always wanted to do if you had a concert?


Sunggyu: I want to get heated up as I jump around and enjoy the stage with our fans!

Dongwoo: Dominate the stage freely!

Woohyun: Jump down to the fans?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Hoya: I want to make our fans cry.

Sungyeol: Ride on a wire and fly towards the audience as I come down.

L: Take a selca with Inspirits’ phones.

Sungjong: I want to enjoy it with fans as I walk around the audience.

Q: A tip to enjoy Infinite’s concert one hundred times more?


Sunggyu: Empty out your mind, prepare to enjoy it, then enter!!

Dongwoo: An undefeated way! If you want to enjoy it, be immersed in all of Infinite’s songs!

Woohyun: Don’t doubt your eyes.

Hoya: Before it starts, do plenty of stretches and warm up your throats.

Sungyeol: Just enjoy it crazily.

L: Throw yourself away, lose your mind, and enjoy it no matter what when you’re in the concert hall!

Sungjong: Scream as much as you want and feel it with your entire body!

Q: Are there cheering words that you remember the most since your promotions started?


Sunggyu: “Each and every moment is important.”

Dongwoo: “Infinite is the current trend! I disagree to you ascending into heaven! Dongwoo-yah!! Noona’s watching.”

Woohyun: “Nam Woohyun”

Hoya: “Our Hoaegi [T/N: Hobaby]!!”

Sungyeol: “Sungyeol-ah, look over here” (My eyes kept going there because of those words.)

L: Each and every banner that cheers on Infinite comes into my sight, so I only have the memory that I gain more strength when I see someone cheering us on.

Sungjong: “Yah!! Lee Sungjong” is the banner I remember ㅎㅎ

Q: ‘Second Invasion’ is planned to start soon. We ask for a coolly said declaration of war to the fans before invading them.


Sunggyu: It would be good to look forward to it. Get ready to become heated up!!

Dongwoo: I promise to make it the best day with Infinite! Promise! Promise!! Promise!!! [T/N: He’s making sounds of ‘stamping’ which is a way to say ‘I promise’]

Woohyun: Starting from now, Infinite’s going.

Hoya: Be tense!!

Sungyeol: Coming soon! Dudududu

L: Welcome to the Infinite World

Sungjong: 2012.2.11~2012.2.12. They’re coming!


trans. cr; hyejin @ infinite updates | source cr; naver

“Faith” Kim Hee-seon’s man: Oh Ji-ho or Lee Sang-yoon?

Actors Oh Ji-ho and Lee Sang-yoon are both being considered for the main role in the drama “Faith”.

Produced by Kim Jong-hak, the production team is trying to make up their mind between Oh Ji-ho and Lee Sang-yoon.

“Faith” is also leaning towards SBS as its broadcaster. The SBS spokesperson said, “It seems Kim Jong-hakcontacted the drama department recently. The main male character hasn’t been decided upon yet but it will liekly be Oh Ji-ho or Lee Sang-yoon“.

“Faith” is a fusion drama based in the Koryeo times. Lee Joon-ki and Kang Ji-hwan were chosen at first but they had to step down due to personal reasons and the drama was delayed.

Source :… ( Korean )

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The late Choi Jin-sil’s children, Hwan-hee and Joon-hee

It’s sad that both sister and brother had to suicide leaving the mother all alone but she is strong to be taking care of her grandchildren and bringing them up so lovingly.

it was revelead that the late Choi Jin-sil‘s son and daughter are doing well.

They appeared on the SBS TV program “Good Morning” on January 25th, dressed in Hanbok and with bright smiles.

They went through a hard time three years ago with the death of their mother but they seemed grown-up and happy.

They are currently living with their grandmother and great-aunt since it’s vacation time.

Choi Jin-sil‘s mother said, “Hwan-hee works hard in school. He is good at math, English and science. He also likes animals and is very good to his sister. They have a good bond. It reminds me of Choi Jin-sil and Choi Jin-young when they were younger”.

Source :… ( Korean )

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Cho joins ‘Doctor Zhivago’

Actor Cho Seung-woo

By Kwon Mee-yoo

Top actor Cho Seung-woo will join the new musical “Doctor Zhivago” as a male lead.

Initially, model-turned-actor Ju Ji-hun was cast for the role of Russian doctor Yuri Zhivago whose life is shaken by the Russian Revolution and Civil War in the early 20th century. However, he quit the position due to problems with his vocal chords, forcing OD Musical Company, the production firm, to look for a replacement two weeks before the opening.

“People might see me as a relief pitcher or replacement, but for now Yuri Zhivago is my role,” Cho said at a press conference.

Cho just finished his latest show “Zorro” Sunday and leaked his appearance in Doctor Zhivago at the curtain call for his last performance, hinting that he would “bring Russia to Jamsil,” where the theater is located.

The surprise choice was put down to the friendship between Cho and Shin Chun-soo, producer and CEO of OD Musical Company. The company has staged many hit musicals including “Jekyll and Hyde,” which Cho starred in

“The production was facing difficulties as Ju withdrew from the show. After thinking about it overnight I decided to ask Cho to take on the role of Zhivago,“ Shin said. “I have known Cho for years and knew he chooses works based on the artistic quality of the musical. It is absurd to ask an actor to play the role he had already refused, but I could ask again because it was Cho.”

Shin said the production has an understudy, but he thought it would be best to have another actor to play the lead role for the five-month run. “I think it is almost miraculous to hold this press conference and introduce Cho as the new Zhivago.”

“Frankly speaking, I thought Shin was off his rocker when I got a call from him (to join Doctor Zhivago),” the actor said. “Wondering why Shin asked me, I visited the rehearsal room the next day without contacting him. When I saw other actors rehearsing, I was moved by them. I then thought Shin was confident in Zhivago and was somewhat infatuated by his challenging spirit.”

Cho said he saw a video clip of the Australian production of the musical and was fascinated by the music and speedy scene changes which seemed boring in the script. “I was fascinated by the musical as if I was Yuri Zhivago in the vortex of the Russian Revolution,” he said.

The show will open on Jan. 27 at the Charlotte Theater in southern Seoul and run through June 3. The company said Hong Kwang-ho, another actor cast for Zhivago, would cover the show alone until Cho joins the show. It also cancelled six performances since he cannot perform nine shows a week.

Cho said exact date of his first performance will be announced later, but it usually takes about four to six weeks for him to rehearse.


Credit: The Korea Times