“Faith” Kim Hee-seon’s man: Oh Ji-ho or Lee Sang-yoon?

Actors Oh Ji-ho and Lee Sang-yoon are both being considered for the main role in the drama “Faith”.

Produced by Kim Jong-hak, the production team is trying to make up their mind between Oh Ji-ho and Lee Sang-yoon.

“Faith” is also leaning towards SBS as its broadcaster. The SBS spokesperson said, “It seems Kim Jong-hakcontacted the drama department recently. The main male character hasn’t been decided upon yet but it will liekly be Oh Ji-ho or Lee Sang-yoon“.

“Faith” is a fusion drama based in the Koryeo times. Lee Joon-ki and Kang Ji-hwan were chosen at first but they had to step down due to personal reasons and the drama was delayed.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20… ( Korean )

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