Yooni and Wani are proud of their Byunghee uncle

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Byunghee~! I just watched Mcountdown – It’s on the same level as a musical, right? Haha really cool! Yooni and Wani sang along to the streaming of Scribble and This is War all day keke Wani even danced along on the spot keke After watching the performance Yooni said “What happened to Lee Joon’s shoulder?” kekeke

T/N: Yooni and Wani are G.O’s nephews.


Source: G.O’s sister Hyemin’s Twitter
Translated/Reuploaded: crispee@mblaqattack.net

A+ are a very active fan club

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I hope the site my family members also enjoy going to ‘Mirmi’ flourishes infinitely lol

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The program writer has just told us that our A+ was the fan club with the most showing in fan club TV…I’m so proud…-_- b


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Our first pre-recording has finished!! I thank you for waiting long, cheering hard and came for us!!! Return home safely~!!!!

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Just a minute ago, the first broadcast successfully ended!!! Thank you everyone for watching favorably!! Today the cheers and the big monitor were all energetic, A+ are the best!!!


Source: Mir’s Twitter
Translated: bcrystal89@twitter ; crispee@mblaqattack.net
Reuploaded: randomvance@mblaqattack.net

Aoora wants all of his fans to stay warm

@2011_AOORA날씨가 많이 춥네여~~ 여러분 옷 따뜻하게 입으시고 감기조심하세용용~~ 전 많이 좋아졌답니당ㅋㅋ

목욜날 만나욥 ^♥^

[Rough Translation]

The weather is very cold~~ Everyone wear your clothes warmly and be careful not to get a cold~~ I’ve gotten a lot betterㅋㅋ

Let’s meet Thursday ^♥^


Credit: barowoo.tumblr.com

Aoora the sleepy tired head

Aoora’s Original Tweet:

이번주 음악프로 , 콘서트 스페셜 무대를 한꺼번에 준비하고 있어요 힘든 티좀 낼게요 ㅜㅜ 음원 만들고 녹음하고 1시간이따 촬영하러 갑니당~~ 그래도 텔레비전에 더블에이 나와서 정말 좋겠네 정말 좋겠네 ㅋㅋ

Rough Translation:

This week we are preparing for music programs and a concert special stage all at the same time. We will make music, record, and one hour later go to filming~~ But still, since Double A is appearing on television it must be seriously good, seriously good ㅋㅋ


Credit: barowoo.tumblr.com